Monday, June 30, 2008

Bloggers Backup

After 3 months to be a blogger, I think that all bloggers should do a basic things about blogging, even if you just only have 2 blogs. Some things that may be is an important things like backups. Whether it is a lack of time or some bloggers said “It won’t happen to me”. And if you aren’t one of the few bloggers who do these regularly, start putting a plan in place to do them. Because the time and problems that will arise from not doing them will be far greater than just making a habit of doing it in the first place!

Backing up your database

Bloggers should backing up their blog post database. What if a catastrophe occurs? Corrupt databases, hackers, hard disk problems and a blog host that ceases to exist are all things than unexpectedly happens to bloggers, and they can take your entire blog with it. Having a backup of your blog post database means that if something goes wrong, you will still have a copy of that. Not sure how to backup? I use wbloggar to do this. I saved my posts regularly and uploading it to file hosting sites likes Media Fire or File Factory. Or may be you can use the next alternative, check for instructions with the blogger platform you use ( Blogger, Multiply, Wordpress, etc ) and then install a backup plugin that will do all the dirty work for you.

Backup your template files

You should also regularly back up your files too, especially your template files. This means that if a hacker exploits your template and adds thousands of spammy footer links or something happens with the host, you have a nice clean backup of your files, including any changes you might have made to the original template likes widget, banner and even your ads .

Upgrading your blog software of choice

After you have backed up your database and files, the next thing you should be doing is check for updates to your blog software. I use 3 software for blogging : Portable Firefox for browsing, Scribe Fire for Publish a new post and wbloggar for backup my recent posts. And most likely, it also means upgrading Blogger, Wordpress, MovableType or whichever blog software you are using for your blog. Don’t just assume that upgrading to the next version is simply to give bloggers more features… chances are extremely good that the new version was made to close holes that could allow your blog to get exploited or hacked. Nearly all cases of blogs being hacked is because the blogger was lax in upgrading. And it is far easier to upgrade than it is to de-hack your blog it once it has been exploited.

Perhaps this is enough to show you how important it is to do these things for your blog. You don’t want to lose many years worth of blogging simply because you didn’t get around to backing up and upgrading. And a single exploit that has been done by hackers on your blog will take much, much longer than the amount of time it takes to simply upgrade and backup everything over the entire life of your blog.

Keep Blogging !!

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