Apa sih Jumong itu?
Sebuah serial drama historikal mengenai awal mula berdirinya kerajaan Goguryeo (satu dari tiga Kerajaan besar Korea) dengan raja pertamanya bernama Jumong (King Dongmyeong 58 BC – 19 BC, r. 37 BC – 19 BC).
Song Il Gook sangat pas dalam memerankan karakter Jumong yang Berwibawa dan dapat membuat seorang So Seo No (diperankan oleh Han Hye Jin) jatuh hati. Soundtracknya pun bagus loh.
Walaupun udah habis nonton, rasanya tetap pengen nonton lagi hehehehe ... Terpesona sama gantengnya Song Il Gook dan Cantiknya Han Hye Jin ... hihihihi ....
Nggak bakalan nyesel deh nonton serial Jumong ini, karena serial Jumong ini sudah ditonton lebih dari 10 negara ... (Iran, United States of America, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Japan, Mongolia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and the Philippines).
Oh iya, gara2 serial ini sampai-sampai bedah wikipedia mengenai kerajaan Goguryeo, saking antusiasnya ingin tahu lebih banyak mengenai Goguryeo (saat ini adalah Korea Utara).
Berikut Penghargaan yang didapat oleh Jumong sebagai drama terfavorit di Korea pada tahun 2006 (seluruh episodenya kecuali episode 1,2 dan 4 menempati rating tertinggi).
* 2006 MBC Awards: Highest Award (Song Il Gook)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Top Excellence in Acting (Song Il Gook)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Top Excellence in Acting (Jeon Kwang Yeol)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Top Excellence in Acting (Han Hye Jin)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Excellence in Acting (Kim Seung Soo)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Best New Actor (Won Ki Jun)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Best Daeha Historical Acting (Oh Yeon Soo)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Drama of the Year
* 2006 MBC Awards: Top Excellence in Acting (Oh Yeon Soo)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Popularity Award (Song Il Gook)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Popularity Award (Han Hye Jin)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Popularity Award (Lee Gye In)
* 2006 MBC Awards: Best Couple Award (Song Il Gook and Han Hye Jin)
‘A time when our nation was the most beautiful’, ‘A time when our nation was the center of the world’. Have you ever met such a time?! dares to journey into a time no one has ever gone back to. The most surprising time in history has come back 2000 years later, a time when the nation made China fall down to their knees and when we fought other nations without any fear.
Meet a hero bigger than the myth.
Alexander, Genghis Khan, we have the hero who overwhelmed his generation and changed history, Jumong! Up to now we have been used to dramas dealing with the history of kings and knights but now we are about to challenge in creating a drama with the birth of a true hero. A name only remembered as a myth. Get ready to meet Jumong, the hero who opened up the skies of the Old Joseon, which was once ours, by fighting thousands and thousands of armies.
Meet the love even bigger than the history.
‘Love’ seems to be the one common denominator across people of all generations and nations. ‘Love’ gets swept away with the waves of time and also gets hurt with biased views in societies, but it also creates a new kind of history by wrestling against adversity and the trials of time. True love, which is uncommonly seen in history, is re-drawn through the drama of our once forgotten history.
Through the wisdom and courage of Korea’s first queen So Seo-no…
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Episode 10 http://www.embedupload.com/?d=1AGRWHCUQS
Episode 11 http://www.embedupload.com/?d=2UFCGXUTDS
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