Thursday, June 5, 2008

DVD Shrink

Are you a movie watcher?
Didyou have a lot of DVD Movie or Software Collection?
Did you have a DVD Player on your Computer?

You must have this! DVD Shrink

This software is absolutely simple, intuitive and effective. You're able to take a 4 GB file and compress it to only 2 GB ( a good compressor software at your hands ).
For avid movie watchers who enjoy burning DVD’s, you should have this DVD Shrink on your computer.

DVD Shrink has great compression capabilities. It’s fast, effective and its ease of use will let any user (novice or pro) run it without any problems.
It also has great backup options and great features. One of the few of its kind that lets you manipulate the material you have on it. From subtitles to menus, you can keep or get rid of anything that’s not necessary. Re-authoring does save time.
You also get the ability to burn with Nero now.

In my opinion, it’s the reigning champion of its field. There are so many reasons why you should have this program on your computer. Aside from being free, fast and effective, it’s easy to use, it has a clean interface and it’ll get the job done. If you haven’t used it yet, then that’s your loss. Grab this guy while it’s still free.


Check out the screenshots below.


Keep Your Brain Fit

What we can do to keep our brain fit?
What we can do to makes the brain quicker, sharper and also better at deduction and reasoning?

"Playing Computer or Video Games"

... are you believe it?

Of course, not an usually games.
This games developed in collaboration with brain experts. This games is made to improve 5 major brain functions : Memory, Concentration, Language, Visual-Spatial Skills and Executive Functions.
This games is something like : Classic matching memory games, find the object games, and so on. Likes Dinner Dash!

Michael Cole (founder and CEO) has said "Teachers, Parents and Bosses who frown up video games will smile upon Fit Brains Game. It's the best kind of gaming that anyone can play, the games that makes the brain quicker, sharper and to be better."

The differences brought to you by Fit Brains Game is the option for those who create an account to track their brain performances, see where they should improve and even receive feedback from the team - which might be a bit better than just randomly playing a casual one.

"Fit Brains is designed to be fun, personal and practical," said Dr. Paul Nussbaum, co-founder and chief scientific advisor (the winner of the 2007 American Society on Aging "Gloria Cavanaugh Award"). "Our goal is to motivate users to integrate brain fitness into their everyday routine."

Are you interesting with this?

Find the game here : Fit Brains


Besok Piala Eropa 2008 sudah dimulai,wah rasanya gak sabar lagi buat nonton tim favorit sepanjang masa BELANDA.
Biarpun tergabung digrup keras bareng Favorit juara Prancis dan Italia kemudian tim underdog Rumania, saya rasa kans Belanda untuk juara tahun ini cukup besar.

Oh iya sedikit informasi lagi, buat yang doyan main game online, ada dua pilihan Fantasy League Game buat meriahkan EURO 2008.



Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Box Office : $ 50,37M ( 25/5/2008 )
Movie Length : 1jam 45menit

Starring :
Jet Li
Jackie Chan
Michael Angarano
Liu Yifei

Synopsis :

East meets West and kung-fu legends collide as Jackie Chan and Jet Li square off in the fists-a-flying, family-friendly FORBIDDEN KINGDOM. Based on the classical Chinese novel JOURNEY TO THE WEST, the film begins in modern-day Boston. There, while teenage kung-fu flick enthusiast Jason... East meets West and kung-fu legends collide as Jackie Chan and Jet Li square off in the fists-a-flying, family-friendly FORBIDDEN KINGDOM. Based on the classical Chinese novel JOURNEY TO THE WEST, the film begins in modern-day Boston. There, while teenage kung-fu flick enthusiast Jason (Michael Angarano) is buying bootleg DVDs from his favorite shopkeeper, Old Hop (Chan, aged by prosthetic makeup), he is drawn to an ancient golden staff. When a local bully forces weakling Jason to help rob Old Hop, Jason escapes with the staff and is magically transported to ancient China. He is soon rescued from the forces of the Jade Warlord by Lu Yan (Chan), a raggedy wanderer whose wine-guzzling ways conceal his kung-fu mastery. Yan reveals the truth of the staff, and that Jason is the fabled Seeker who must return it to the Monkey King (Li) to prevent the warlord's evil plans. The two are joined in their quest by a kung-fu master, Silent Monk (Li), and a beautiful orphan (Liu Yifei) who harbors her own personal vendetta. Despite their differences, the two masters teach Jason the ways of the kung-fu warrior. And when Lu Yan is gravely wounded by the warlord's sexy assassin, Jason must bring his newfound skills and courage to bear if he is to save one world and return to his own. Choreographed by action impresario Woo-ping Yuen (THE MATRIX, KILL BILL) and shot on location in China, FORBIDDEN KINGDOM is an appealing family adventure about the importance of working together and the value of believing in one's abilities.

Movie Trailer at You Tube :

Download Movie :
Movie Part 1 ( 100MB )

Movie Part 2 ( 100MB )

Movie Part 3 ( 100MB )

Movie Part 4 ( 100MB )

Movie Part 5 ( 100MB )

Movie Part 6 ( 100MB )

Movie Part 7 ( 100MB )

Movie Part 8 ( 19,8MB )

Thanks to The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) by MissHacker


AGAIN...always being gratitude!

Those words are very touchy,
so beautiful, and can make you think that
having positive thinking about our life

makes it more worth.....

Hari ini sebelum kita mengatakan kata-kata yang tidak baik,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang tidak dapat berbicara sama sekali

Sebelum kita mengeluh tentang rasa dari makanan,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang tidak punya apapun untuk dimakan.

Sebelum kita mengeluh tidak punya apa-apa
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang meminta-minta dijalanan.

Sebelum kita mengeluh bahwa kita buruk,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang berada pada tingkat yang terburuk didalam hidupnya.

Sebelum kita mengeluh tentang suami atau istri kita.
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang memohon kepada Tuhan untuk diberikan teman hidup.

Hari ini sebelum kita mengeluh tentang hidup,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang meninggal terlalu cepat.

Sebelum kita mengeluh tentang anak-anak,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang sangat ingin mempunyai anak tetapi dirinya tidak punya anak.

Sebelum kita mengeluh tentang rumah yang kotor karena pembantu tidak mengerjakan tugasnya,
Pikirkan tentang orang-orang yang tinggal dijalanan.

Sebelum kita mengeluh tentang jauhnya telah menyetir,
Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang menempuh jarak yang sama dengan berjalan.

Dan disaat kita lelah dan mengeluh tentang pekerjaan,
Pikirkan tentang pengangguran,orang-orang cacat yang berharap mereka mempunyai pekerjaan seperti anda.

Sebelum kita menunjukkan jari dan menyalahkan orang lain,
ingatlah bahwa tidak ada seorangpun yang tidak berdosa,,,

Dan ketika kita sedang bersedih dan hidup dalam kesusahan,
Tersenyum dan berterima kasihlah kepada Tuhan bahwa kita masih hidup !

Life is a gift .......

Live it...

Enjoy it...

Celebrate it...

And fulfill it........

Cintai orang lain dengan perkataan dan perbuatanmu
Cinta diciptakan tidak untuk disimpan atau disembunyikan

Anda tidak mencintai seseorang karena dia cantik atau tampan,
Mereka cantik/tampan karena anda mencintainya,,,

It's true you don't know what you've got until it's gone, but it's
also true You don't know what you've been missing until it arrives!!!

this quotes is from my friend at friendster ( thanks bro.. :) )

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Club World Rangking

Top 20 Club ( as of June 01, 2007 until May 30, 2008 )

The ranking takes into consideration the results of 12 months of continental and intercontinental competitions (UEFA Champions League, Libertadores Cup, UEFA Cup, Sudamericana Cup), national league matches (including play-offs) and the most important national cup (excluding points won before the round of 16).

All countries are rated at 4 levels based upon the national league performance -- clubs in the highest level leagues receive 4 points for each match won, 2 for a draw and 0 for a defeat. Level 2 is assigned 3 points. (win), 1.5 points (draw) and 0 (lost), and so on with the next lower levels.

The point assignment system is still lower for African, Asian, CONCACAF and Oceaniac continental tournaments.

And this is the Rangking :

01. Manchester United - 286 points

02. CA Boca Juniors - 267 points

03. Chelsea FC - 258 points

04. Barcelona FC - 257 points

05. Bayern Muenchen - 252 points

06. Glasgow Rangers - 251.5 points

07. AS Roma - 248 points

08. Liverpool FC - 243 points

09. Arsenal FC - 237 points

10. Internazionale Milano FC - 226 points

11. Hamburger SV - 224 points

12. Sao Paolo FC - 221 points

13. Fiorentina ACF - 220 points

14. Olympique Lyonnais - 218 points

15. Atletico Madrid - 214 points

16. Sevilla FC - 214 points

17. AC Milan - 211 points

18. Fluminense FC -210 points

19. Getafe CF - 208 points

20. Villarreal CF - 204 points


the next rank can be found here ..

The World Best Top Division Goal Scorer 2008

01. Klaas Jan Huntelaar (AFC Ajax Amsterdam) Netherland - 33 goals

02. Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United FC) Portugal - 31 goals

03. Daniel Gonzalez Guiza (Mallorca) Espana - 27 goals

04. Scott Douglas McDonald (Glasgow Celtic FC) Australia - 25 goals

05. Lisandro Lopez (FC Porto) Argentina - 24 goals

06. Luis Fabiano Clemente (Sevilla FC) Brasil - 24 goals

07. Luca Toni (FC Bayern Muenchen) Italy - 24 goals

08. Fernando Torres (Liverpool FC) Espana - 24 goals

09. Sheyi Emmanuel Adebayor (Arsenal FC) Togo - 24 goals

10. Pawel Brozek (Wisla Krakow) Polska - 23 goals


the next rank can be found here..

Source :

Arsenal Season Review 2007/2008

Arsenal has produced some of the most attractive football ever seen in the Barclays English Premier League 2007/2008 season. Watch all the key moments including Arsenal historic win at the San Siro with 2-0, a league ‘double’ over fierce rivals Tottenham Hotspurs and an impressive run in the Carling Cup.
There are highlights from every match and there is every goal scored in all competition such as UEFA Champions League, Barclays Premier League, FA Cup and the Carling Cup.

DVD Extras:
Match by Match Access
Season Landmarks
The FA Women’s Cup Final Highlights

No Password specified



Monday, June 2, 2008

Kondisi terakhir Eduardo

Eduardo Da Silva, penyerang Arsenal asal Kroasia mengalami kemajuan yang cukup signifikan dalam proses penyembuhannya dari cedera. Berikut cuplikan video recovery-nya minggu lalu.

Semoga Eduardo cepat kembali sembuh untuk mempertajam daya serang Arsenal.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Monasku Berdarah ... 01 Juni 2008

Kita diciptakan oleh Tuhan yang sama ...

Kita tinggal di Negeri yang sama ...

Kenapa harus ada kekerasan terhadap sesama ... ?

Kenapa perbedaan pendapat disikapi dengan kekerasan ... ?

Apakah manusia-manusia dinegeri ini sudah kehilangan kemanusiaannya ... ?

Dimana hatimu ... ?

Dimana akal sehatmu ... ?


Apa kata dunia ?

"Kekerasan adalah bentuk nyata dari ketidadewasaan menyikapi perbedaan. Kekerasan karena perbedaan adalah ancaman bagi masa depan Indonesia yang majemuk. Karena itu, kami mengecam keras terjadinya kekerasan itu" - Anas Urbaningrum

”Saya mengharapkan segenap pihak untuk menahan diri dan tidak terjebak dalam kekerasan dan anarkisme” - Din Syamsuddin

”Ini bukan negara rimba, mau tidak mau harus ditangkap orang-orang itu.” - Abdurrahman Wahid ( beliau juga menyerukan agar Front Pembela Islam dibubarkan )